Friday, July 15, 2011

I Won $44 Million Dollars!!!

Okay, so no I didn't win $44,000,000 but I'm acting as if I did.  And no, I'm not wiping my butt with money...yet.  But I am getting into the feeling of what it would it would be like to clean my freshly poo'd fanny with Uncle Sam's own currency. I'll  use quarters, it's cheaper.

Yesterday I purchased a lottery ticket and you all know how that works, you buy the ticket and BAM instant millionaire. And as soon as 11 pm rolls around, it's SEE YA, SUCKERS! I know, I know, it doesn't actually work that way. Or does it? No. Julie, are you sure? Yes um, sort, well, maybe, Law Of Attraction say's it can be that easy. Oh, Julie, COME ON STOP BEING AN ASS-TURD!  Jeepers, no need to call names. I know,  maybe I'm being stupid, or am I? I don't know! Hey me, stop tormenting me!

That's the dialogue in my head. But for the sake of my YOLJ project I'm not listening to the skeptic, so I guess I am gonna be an ass-turd.  The idea is for me to test the Law Of Attraction theories to see if they work. So basically I'm being an ass-turd so you don't have to. You're welcome.

So I did, I bought a lottery ticket. The laws of attraction say that if I can get myself into a place of non-resistance and focus on the feeling of what having $40 mil feels like, but without feeling the absence of the it. Meaning I should get into the feeling just for the fun of it, and not for the actual manifestation, that if I do that what I want must manifest. You know what?  I'm not explaining it too well, If you are interested, you can go to this link and hear it explained by Esther Hicks (it's in two parts, this link is part one).

My pledge to you is,  if I win, oops, I mean when I  win, I'll buy you all cars. (I'm talking to YOU my actual followers who've clicked, "follow", if you want a car, you know what has to be done!). So why don't you all imagine driving in the car I'm going to buy you. Isn't it fun? That's right, you're driving on a country road, going slightly over the speed limit, wind in your hair, favorite CD playing and LOOK OUT! Your car is on fire! Get out, get out, get out!!  Okay, so I gave you a 1997 Hyundai Accent with a tricky ignition, I didn't say I'd buy you a NEW car...greedy.

I reiterate, LOA says that if you can get yourself into the feeling, the state of mind, as it were, of what it would be like to have what you want, without feeling the absence of what you are thinking about, then it must come. I'm using this whole year for testing out this theory.

Today I'm going to imagine having $44,000,000. I'm going to write down who I'm giving money to and where I'll travel and all the friend's rents I'll pay, and how great it will feel when I'll finally own that army of robot dolphins. I'll let you know when and where to pick up your cars.

Quickly (or not) I'd like to share with you, how I feel LOA has been working for me recently. I wrote in an earlier post that we are in the process of looking to buy a house, we've been at it for a year now. But since I've started this blog project I've been doing a lot of deliberate focusing, esp. about the house and getting into the feeling blah, blah, blah.  Well suddenly we have two places available to us.  One we think we can afford and the other we think is above our range. (I PROMISE I'll get to the THINKING & BELIEVING part of LOA later). I've talked about the Los Angeles house before and that it's above what we wanted to spend. But I began deliberately focusing on the house anyway. The first thing that happened, that felt sort of miraculous, is that the house, which was on the market only 5 days, dropped by $80,000. Eighty grand after only 5 days? That is unheard of.  Is this LOA at work? Is it an actual manifestation of my deliberate focusing? I don't know. But it feels like it to me and I choose to believe it is. So anyway, even after the price dropped we still felt that  it's above what we can afford. But  not to be deterred  I kept focusing and imagining the joy of living in the house and this past Wednesday we got a call from someone saying that they'd advance us whatever extra money we needed to purchase the house.  Again, LOA?  Now though it's a matter of, can we pay this person back?  Still  I will not be deterred. I'm not going to worry about that now and just keep focusing on the joy of the house and trust that if I keep doing that, with no resistance, the answer (or loan free money) will come, it will all be revealed. Today we're going back to look at the house, just for fun. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I try this all the time! I'm still waiting on my $80,000 check. If I get it first, I'll get you a Vespa. PS: You're hilarious.
