I'm not 'out of work', I'm between jobs. I'm on hiatus, I'm looking at my options, I'm exploring new horizons, I've decide to take some time off, I'm deciding to spend more time with my TV. I've decided that my life's purpose is to watch as many cat videos as possible in a 24 hour period, it's important work, don't judge me.
So, yes I quit my job, because I have this wacky notion that quitting a job that doesn't give me joy and instead filling my days with things that do give me joy, will bring me a job I really enjoy. So I guess if someone asks me, "So Julie, what are you working on these days?", I'm gonna say "Oh my God, Michael Jackson is behind you with a knife and he looks like he means business!" then I'll run in the other direction. Because that will feel better to me than saying, "Oh, I'm vibrating my way to a new career". If I say that, a person might be inclined to ask, "oh you're going into the porn industry?" and then add, "aren't you kind of old for that?". So it's better to just make the person think that they are about to be killed by Michael Jackson who has returned from the dead, than to explain my whole, Year Of Living Joyously thang.
So I've been trying not worry about money not worry about how it will come. I'm trusting that it will come and come in joyous ways and I don't need to wonder how or where it's coming from. I have to feel abundant now, in order to let more abundance in later. This is of course my understanding of the Laws Of Attraction. That said, Chip (my husband) and I got a call t'other day asking us to come audition for a new game show where we stand to win $100,000. Okay, weird right?
We've never done anything like this before. We don't hop the 'game show' circuit or anything. We don't look to be on game shows. But someone sent us a link, we filled out a form and today we're going in. Listen, I'm not saying "LOA is at work, see???" I'm HOPING it's LOA. It is LOA right? Isn't it? Is it? WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME??? Oh, sorry. Who knows. I guess when we come home with $100,000, THEN I'll be all, "It's working, it's working!" with no doubts, but now I'm still skeptical. Okay, this is when I LOA says I have to be all, "we are already abundant, I'm only going to this audition to experience the joy of it! I'm not doing it for the money, because we have plenty of money". I'm NOT supposed to think, "oh it would be nice to have that $100,000 that we don't have". I'm SUPPOSED to think, "oh it would be nice to have that $100,000 that we already have and don't really need, but it would be cool to have another $100,000 to keep the $100,000 we already have, company". OR I'm not supposed to think about it at all. Which is probably going to be easier.
So today, I will go to an audition for a game show that is looking for" fun energetic couples!" just for the fun of it, and maybe I'll be energetic, maybe I won't, I'll be whatever feels better.. And maybe we'll win $100,000 or maybe we won't. Either way, everything is always working out for me, whether I know it or not.
So, this $100,000 plus the $80,000 reduction in price, puts you and Chip in that house you want. Think about the house, see yourself in it, walk from room to room, enjoy the feelings of accomplishing your goal of getting the house, picture the gardens with fresh flowers, invite your friends (don't forget us) in to see your new home, and just feel great about it. That will set your vibration to do well at the interview and win the game. See you on TV.