Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Thought Police & Go General

Is the Universe a type of Thought Police? No, but it feels like it.

There is a noise, at first, faint in the distance, it could be the whine of an alley cat, but it soon  becomes louder thus establishing itself as a siren of sorts. Suddenly blasts of red light cut through the windows, illuminating the dark room in brief splashes of crimson. Where to hide? In an instant, the door bursts open, several dark figures dressed in riot gear fill the space. "Hey!" I think. "They didn't even wipe their feet and THAT is just not cool!" A gloved hand reaches into my hiding place, grabbing a hold of my left platform sandal, it comes free from my foot. I hear the intruders laugh, "what is this?". Now I'm angry. No one makes fun of my platform sandals. Emerging from under the sofa, I scream"THEY MAKE ME LOOK LONGER OF LEG, WHILE NOT HURTING MY BUNION!"  The 'team' laughs harder. "Longer of leg" say's one disdainfully and then spits. "Who ARE you?" I manage to squeak out. "We are the LOA Thought Police", they speak in unison. "We constantly monitor what you are thinking  and we detected a negative thought, change it OR ELSE!".

Knowing how the Universe works, that I create my own reality by what I think and how I feel, can be a burden of sorts.

When one is having difficulty thinking positive thoughts, Abraham tells us through Esther Hicks* To GO GENERAL. To Go General means, if you are thinking thoughts that are negative or you're in a space of non-allowing, think instead, general, non-specific thoughts like, "Oh isn't that a nice comb-over on that old man" or "Wow I just farted and no one seemed to notice" or "My farts smell like flowers, flowers made of farts". Stuff like that.

So if you're feeling like you are being watched by the Thought Police, Go General.

*If you are curious who Abraham is, you can Google it.

1 comment:

  1. I think I will be going General a lot the next two days, thank you for the reminder!
