Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Closets, Wolves, Princesses & Rent, A Fairy Tale.

My Law Of Attraction Mettle has really been tested lately.

So we are buying the Lynn St. house(s) (there are two on a lot). It's been a long process from offer to actual purchase. The money is now in Escrow and we can start pissing off our new neighbors as soon as Thursday afternoon.

I'm just gonna say this, buying a property from a bank isn't for the faint of heart. There are permits that have to be checked and re-checked, then checked again because the inspector of Health and Safety says that this part of the house was an illegal addition. BUT then this other inspector over from some other part of the City in a totally different part of town says that one part of the addition is okay but the other part isn't and that we need to go to ANOTHER part of town  to find out from this OTHER inspector to see what THEY think of whatever it is we're discussing and unfortunately THAT inspector is out having shoulder surgery.

All that and not to mention the ever present phone calls about "somethings wrong with the foundation" OR "The current tenants lease is wrong and you might owe them a lot of money", etc, etc. It got to the point that every time the phone rang we held our breath.

I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING! "Hey Perk, didn't you take that as a sign?" and I say, "YES I DID!" a sign that I shouldn't worry about ANY of it. And I am thrilled, nay proud to announce that I didn't. Worry that is.

Each call about this issue or that issue would come in. I'd watch my husband freak out, but I stayed calm. I kept thinking, "everything is working out for me, whether I know it or not and my ONLY job is to stay calm, joyful and not worry".  Yes, I did the necessary actions that needed to be done to remedy whatever issue was at hand. But I did each action happily and trusted that in the end, no matter what the outcome, everything is working out for me (us). Can I just tell you? It has, boy and how. We did the final walk-thru today.

Please indulge me, I'm going to share one specific situation which is my evidence that LOA is at work. Mind you, there are many instances where this kind of thing happened, but this is my favorite.

The Walk-in Closet Story
     There once was a lovely walk-in closet, his name was Christopher, Christopher Walk-in. Christopher was     a happy, dutiful closet. Throughout the years he had care of many precious items for varied tenants of the one-bedroom cottage he lived in.  Proud was Christopher, because he was the only closet in all the house, this fact made him extra special.

    One day a big bad wolf inspector came in and told the soon to be new owners of the cottage, by the way,  it should be mentioned  that the new owners are a very handsome Prince and his Beautiful, wise, kind, not at all stuck up, Princess.  Anyway, so the Prince and the Princess were told by the inspector wolf that they would have to blow little Christopher Walk-in down because he was illegal.  "Ill egal" Christopher sounded out the foreign word, "what does illegal mean"? he asked the Prince and the Princess. "It means that you were born after the cottage was built and therefore the footprint of the house was altered without the city's permission and now the city is telling us that you are a bastard closet and need to go live with the other illegal bastard closets in the sky".

     Christopher was dumbstruck. He didn't know what to say. All his cupboard friends tried to comfort him,  to no avail. Finally the Princess, being the kind gentle, loving, gentle, kind, pretty, pretty and kind, gentle person she was, said to him, "Little Christopher, don't worry your pretty little interior light about anything, I will make everything okay". "How?", asked Christopher, "I'll use my magic", said the Princess. "Magic?" he queried. "Yes, magic" said she. "There is no such thing as magic" pressed Christopher, "Shut up! Do you want me to save you or WHAT, sheesh, can't anyone just trust a gal?", shouted the Princess for she was getting this kind of flack from others whenever she would tell them not to worry.

     The Princess, true to her word, decided that she loved the closet and that without the closet, the house would suck and no one would want to rent it and dammit they needed that rent! She concluded, that the wolf inspectors were full of wolf-crap and what the heck do they know  anyhow? She kept thinking, "the closet will stay, I know it will", she said this until it became a true knowing.

    One day the pretty, pretty Princess made the mistake of telling the Prince and their Realtor that she had a feeling the closet was not going to have to be murdered. They both jumped down her throat, "yes it will! The inspector said it! You can't vibrate your way into this one Julie, blah, blah, blah". Afterwards the wise Princess learned to shut her yap when it came to her special powers.

     One day (today in fact)The Prince and Princess got a call saying that the measurements of the closet were wrong and that Christopher Walk-in was in fact not illegal and would be allowed to live. And so the Princess said that everyone who didn't have faith in her ability to attract what she wants can suck it and they all lived happily ever after, the end.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. You manifested the property you wanted right into your life, including Christopher Walk-In. You are a model for all who follow the Law of Attraction. You are definitely The Law of Attraction in Action you sweet, pretty princess you!
