I've been 'dropping the ball' lately and this is a GOOD thing.
'Dropping The Ball' is my astoundingly clever analogy for describing how quitting my job was an act of me letting go of my resistance.
The JOB was the BALL and HOLDING onto the ball was my RESISTANCE. When I let the 'ball' go, it ALLOWED The Law Of Gravity to work it's magic. So, the Law Of Gravity is just like The Law Of Attraction- ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS RIDICULOUSLY, CONVOLUTED METAPHOR? I know, this makes no sense whatsoever.
Okay, just know that the BALL= JOB and HOLDING = RESISTANCE and DROPPING = ALLOWING.
So now I have no balls. WAIT, WHAT?! No, so now I have no ball/job and that is a good thing, unless I want to play basketball or some game requiring a ball then I'm kinda screwed, but I digress...
It's all about ALLOWING. Letting go of our resistance and allowing what we want to come into our lives. I've been working on doing this consistently since I started the Year Of Living Joyously Experiment and it seems to be working.
Lately, I've been getting unsolicited phone calls for acting jobs (I worked with an amazing director yesterday) and I've had two agents contact me. Understand, that these were all unsolicited. I mean, I didn't have to do anything. Rather, I didn't have to do any physical actions to make these opportunities arise.*
All I did was put the thoughts, "I want acting jobs" and "I want an agent" out there and trust that the Manager (LOA) was working on it. I guess the only 'work' I had to do was (& is) to keep my vibrations high, which means, stop worrying, look for things to appreciate and feel abundant. Basically ALLOW the things I want to come to me.
At the very beginning of this project, Chip (my husband) and I had seen this one house that we really loved but it was $150,000 more than we thought we could afford, let's call the the Finch House. Then (you may recall) after a week the Finch House dropped $80,000. Closer to what we wanted, but still too high. But I didn't let that knowledge deter me, I trusted the MANAGER and didn't think too much more about it, except when I would have fun imagining the parties we'd have, etc.
THEN we were made aware of another property (we'll call this the Lynn House), that is even MORE what we are looking for. We made and offer on the Lynn House and it was accepted. At the moment we are still in the process of negotiations.
Okay, so back to the the Finch House. Yesterday we received an email saying the owner of said Finch House is desperate and will accept ANY offer. We could probably name our own price. When we first saw Finch, we could never have envisioned how the whole thing would play out.
Before I began the YOLJ project, my old instinct would be to think, "we could never afford this". But the NEW me is developing NEW instincts and thinks, "I love this house and we could live in it if we want to and I'm not gonna worry how it may happen".
Now we CAN live in that house, the question is, do we still WANT to.
I have to admit that lately I'm feeling so confident in how the Universe works that I want to see if I can vibrate my way into an even BETTER place. The Lynn House is a better place, but who knows, maybe an even more fabulous place will come up.
I just want to 'be' and 'allow' and have fun watching the manifestations come. And in the meantime I'm gonna keep dropping my balls!
* When and If I do, do any physical actions, I wait for an inspiration to do so, therefore it's fun and pleasing, not doesn't feel like work.
Wow! Congratulations. You really understand the Law of Attraction. All the best to you and Chip on your decision. If you decide on the Finch house, you will feel as though you could have done better. If you take the Lynn house and stop looking, you probably will not find a better house. AND you will have more time for acting. Hmmm.